The background of Heliometric technology originates from the science and is confirmed by the life experience

The founder and patent author of Helium Surveying methodology for identification of hydrocarbon and helium reservoirs. Mr. Neruchev predicted several oil and gas promising regions of Russia that were later taken into development.
Graduated from the Petroleum Institute with a degree in geology, exploration and development of oil and gas fields (1952), full-time postgraduate studies at VNIGRI (http://www.vnigri.spb.ru/ ), St. Petersburg, Russia(1958), Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences (1964), Professor (1976), Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (1993). Prominent scientist in the field of genesis and geochemistry of oil and gas.
At VNIGRI, he rose from a postgraduate student (1955), head of a department to a chief scientific worker.
In 1966-1968. worked as a UN expert at the State Petroleum Institute in India.
The founder of the Academy of Petroleum Geologists has trained more than 30 scientific candidates and PhDs.
The main areas of scientific activities: geology, oil and gas geochemistry; global carbon geochemistry; atmospheric history; the relationship between the period of accumulation of large amounts of uranium in sediments and the crisis in the development of the biosphere.
For the first time in world practice, he proposed a method for quantifying the emigration of oil, discovered the main phase of gas formation; an original method for diagnosing oil-producing deposits was developed; geochemical modelling of the oil and gas content of the basins; studied the conditions of oil and gas formation in the zone of great and super-great depths.
For the first time in the world (1962), Mr. Neruchev showed changes in the composition of bitumoids occurring at a depth of more than 1.5 km. A balanced analysis of these changes allowed him to quantify the migration of petroleum hydrocarbons in source rocks. This phenomenon, which has found numerous confirmations, was received in the works of A.A. Trofimuk and A.E. Kontorovich's name "Neruchev's Patterns".
Created jointly with E.A. Rogozina's calculations of the model of oil and gas formation for the main types of organic matter are widely used in the volumetric genetic method for calculating the predicted hydrocarbon resources.
The complex approach proposed by him to the balance estimation of the scale of generation, migration and accumulation of oil and gas in the sedimentary strata is the basis for a separate forecast of oil and gas content in basins of various types and ages.
Published about 300 scientific papers, author and co-author of more than a dozen monographs, including the well-known "Oil-producing formations and oil migration" (1969), "Generation of hydrocarbons in the process of sediment lithogenesis" (1976), etc.
The book "Uranus and Life" gained world fame, the second edition of which was published in 2007.
the Order of the "Excellence in Subsoil Exploration" (1971)
the Order of the "Honorary Exploration of Subsoil" (2007).
In 2009 was awarded the A.P. Karpinsky in the field of geological and geophysical sciences and mining for a set of works on the development of the foundations of the modern theory of oil and gas formation and the development of a universal model for the formation of hydrocarbon deposits.

The scientist, the businessman, and the founder of Actual Geology company in Russia. Successfully managed the company for 22 years and developed the business into one of the most well-known brands in the Russian geological and petroleum communities.
Mr. Chistyakov with the support of prof. Neruchev Sergey, prof. Prasolov Eduard and working group of petroleum geologists from VNIGRI – Khabarov Andrey, Chelyshev Sergey and Kovalevsky Mikhail, established Actual Geology (www.actualgeology.ru), St. Peterburg, Russia in 1992.
Company was called to deal with the pressing problems of petroleum geology and deal with them in a new way, going beyond the framework of "classical" geology.
In 1984 graduated from the University with a degree in Geology and Exploration of Oil and Gas Fields with the qualification of an oil geologist engineer.
He worked as a research assistant at VNIGRI (http://www.vnigri.spb.ru/ ), St. Petersburg, Russia.
In 1988 Mr. Chistyakov defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic: “Regularities of clay compaction in connection with oil and gas formation and formation of deposits in clay reservoirs on the example of the lower Maikop of the Eastern Ciscaucasia and the Bazhenov suite of Western Siberia” under the guidance of prof. S. Neruchev.
Genetic parameters of oils of the Prikumskaya oil and gas bearing region. - In collection: Problems of increasing the efficiency of geological exploration for oil and gas in the 12th five-year period, Chernigov, 1986, pp. 133-135.
Regularities of compaction of clay rocks and formation of deposits within the Varyogan belt of oil and gas accumulation in Western Siberia. Dep. VINITI # 7362-B87 dated 10/17/87.
Oil-saturated clays of the Eastern Ciscaucasia - properties, genesis, forecast. - In the book. Features of lithogenesis of oil and gas deposits. L., 1987, p. 77-84 (co-author V. I. Divakov).
Differential compaction of clays and baric heterogeneity of the section of the Eastern Ciscaucasia. - In the book: Study of the geological section and forecasting abnormal pressure. L., 1987, p. 77-84 (co-author V. I. Divakov).