We are the first company to successfully identify a geothermal reservoir with Heliometric data
Geothermal energy provides a renewable energy source that has potential to supply reasonable amounts of electricity, heating, and cooling. Geothermal resources can be integrated into all types of electrical power generation systems, from large, interconnected continental transmission grids to onsite use in small, isolated villages or autonomous buildings.
There is unique coherence between heat and helium in geothermal systems. This is because ~75% of the Earth’s heat budget and all of the Helium is produced by natural uranium and thorium radioactivity.
Our research shows that the helium concentration varies in a regular manner from the background level of 5.2 ppm to a high of more than 100 ppm near a warm (26°C) water seep, and more than 1,000 ppm near a hot (40°C) water seep. Such an association of helium in the soil gas with these hot waters near the earth’s surface suggested the possible utility of Helium Surveys in locating hidden geothermal reservoirs (no surface manifestations such as hot springs and fumaroles).
Heliometric Technology provides a unique tool for geothermal exploration and helps in allocation of hidden geothermal systems. In the early exploratory phase, regions can be mapped and evaluated in terms of the geothermal potential. Once a regional focus area has been selected, Helium cost-effective data will be integrated with other geothermal tools such as satellite-based hyper- spectral, thermal infrared, high-resolution panchromatic and radar sensors.
Moreover, geothermal reservoirs are enriched in helium and may serve as the potential and indigenous source of helium as well. The helium content in the hot gases geothermal sites varies from 1-3% v/v (volume per volume). We believe that geothermal production wells can generate electricity using hydrothermal waters and at the same time recover helium. This concepts are studied by Heologic.

Collect a sufficient amount of Heliometric data from the studied area
Identify Heliometric Anomalies
Integrate Heliometric Anomalies into available G&G data and well drilling results (if available)
Identify and rank prospects, cut off high-risk zones
Drill the discovery first well in the most promising zone
Correlate drilling results with Heliometric data
Generate Heliometric Image of commercial well for the entire acreage
Plan a well placement pattern for the studied area according to Heliometric Image